
時間:2023-12-29 07:34:17 作者:win2008服务器运行Linux 熱度:win2008服务器运行Linux
win2008服务器运行Linux描述::中国与环球化智库高等研究员、美国播送公司前副总裁哈维·佐丁(Harvey Dzodin)近日接收中新网专访时透露表现,绝管美中两国最近几年来时有磨擦,两国依然有着难以割舍的经贸纽带,作为两个大国,美中需探求好处公约数,协力办理配合面对的挑衅以及困难。他还透露表现,美中元首会晤或者将成为双边瓜葛归热的一个劈头,对两国以致世界列国均有努力意义。(林卓玮) 公众The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step,大众 commented on the China-U.S. Summit Meeting in San Francisco by Harvey Dzodin, Senior Fellow of Center for China Globalization and Former Vice President of ABC Television, in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently. Dzodin noted that the two world powers share common ground on economic development, environmental protection, among many others. He believes that the meeting has reopened lines of communication between the two and could be a beginning of better bilateral relations. (Lin Zhuowei) 义务编纂:【卢岩】
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